Pursuant to Iowa Code Section 69.14A the Appanoose County Auditor, Recorder, and Treasurer (vacancy appointing committee) intend to make an appointment to fill the vacancy, created by the resignation of Mark Waits, on the Appanoose County Board of Supervisors at 9 A.M. on August 28, 2020.
Persons interested in the appointment should submit a letter of interest and application to the Auditor’s Office at the Appanoose County Courthouse, 201 N 12th ST #11, Centerville, IA 52544, no later than 12:00 noon, August 26, 2020. Applications can be found online at www.appanoose.org/resources or may be picked up in the Auditor’s Office Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Applications must be submitted in hard copy. Residency in Appanoose County is required at the time of appointment and throughout the length of term. Further, due to Iowa Code Section 69.14A, residency in Appanoose County for at least sixty days prior to August 28, 2020 is required.
The committee anticipates conducting in-person interviews of selected applicants, at the Courthouse starting at 4:00 P.M. on August 27, 2020.
The appointment made by the committee on August 28, 2020 will be valid until the results of the November 3, 2020 General Election are certified. Iowa Code Section 69.14A, subsection 1a(2) (petition to call for a special election) is not applicable due to the fact the appointment is occurring between the Primary and General Elections (69.14A subsection 1b(2).